Videos of the Week

Weekly news roundup Episodes
Feb 27

Esta semana no The Frame: O prefeito Sisitsky diz que os serviços de saúde locais serão reduzidos nos próximos meses, a senadora dos EUA Elizabeth Warren visita a cidade e uma olhada em uma nova exposição no Museu Danforth para celebrar seu 50º aniversário.

Feb 27

This week on The Frame: Mayor Sisitsky says local healthcare services are set to be reduced in the coming months, U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren visits the city, and a look at a new exhibit at the Danforth Museum to celebrate its 50th anniversary.

Framingham Community Calendar

other News

Amid ongoing residential zoning discussions, the Framingham City Council’s Planning and Zoning Subcommittee voted to move forward with potentially reducing the district’s parameters.

Officials gathered in Framingham to recognize the resources provided statewide through the 24-hour hotline service.

Positions within the Framingham school system have been posted as city officials move closer towards implementing an in-house transportation system.

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The mission of Access Framingham is to engage, serve, and enrich the community by developing programming by and for the people of Framingham, providing educational opportunities, and facilitating the exchange of ideas and information through traditional and new media.

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