Brendan Fitzpatrick
Sep 19

Grove Street Detour to Continue Through Sept. 29

Drivers can expect more hiccups by Grove Street through September 29, as more road work will required a detour.

FRAMINGHAM - Drivers can expect more hiccups by Grove Street through September 29, as more road work will required a detour.

Crews began repairing the drainage system along the stretch between Winch Street and Belknap Road. With the road being narrow, the city has mandated that the section of the street will be closed.

DPW officials have noted that the detour will run from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. during work days, weather permitting. The new route will run from Winch Street over to Millwood Street before bringing motorists back to Belknap Road. School buses and emergency personnel will still be able to access the full road.

Further articles

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This week on The Frame: a 50501 protest takes place downtown, the National Museum of Mental Health Project highlights local contributions to the subject, and a spotlight on Framingham High School’s state championship-winning girls wrestling team.