This week on The Frame: City officials continue to evaluate options for both future school bus operations as well as Community Preservation Act projects. Also: interviews with Jack Patrick Lewis and Mary Kate Feeney ahead of Tuesday's vote between Group 1 and Group 2 of the Framingham Democratic Committee. All of that and more on The Frame: Framingham News in Focus.
This week on The Frame: City officials continue to evaluate options for both future school bus operations as well as Community Preservation Act projects. Also: interviews with Jack Patrick Lewis and Mary Kate Feeney ahead of Tuesday's vote between Group 1 and Group 2 of the Framingham Democratic Committee. All of that and more on The Frame: Framingham News in Focus.
Esta semana no The Frame: o Conselho Municipal continua as discussões sobre a atual escassez de motoristas de ônibus e os planos de zoneamento da MBTA, medidas de mitigação de velocidade ao longo da Edgebrook Road são aprovadas e uma olhada na exposição “Views of Framingham” em exibição na biblioteca principal da cidade.