This week on The Frame: a review of the public hearing that featured executives from MetroWest Medical Center and Tenet Healthcare, the city's Charter Review Committee recommends no changes to the City Council's makeup, and the Framingham School Committee moves closer to a school bus decision. Also: a deep dive into the cost of living within the MetroWest region. All of that and more on The Frame: Framingham News in Focus.
This week on The Frame: a review of the public hearing that featured executives from MetroWest Medical Center and Tenet Healthcare, the city's Charter Review Committee recommends no changes to the City Council's makeup, and the Framingham School Committee moves closer to a school bus decision. Also: a deep dive into the cost of living within the MetroWest region. All of that and more on The Frame: Framingham News in Focus.
Esta semana no The Frame: o Conselho Municipal continua as discussões sobre a atual escassez de motoristas de ônibus e os planos de zoneamento da MBTA, medidas de mitigação de velocidade ao longo da Edgebrook Road são aprovadas e uma olhada na exposição “Views of Framingham” em exibição na biblioteca principal da cidade.