Brendan Fitzpatrick
Sep 26

The Frame: September 26, 2024

This week on The Frame: City Council members review the latest proposals for the MBTA Communities Act, Call2Talk hosts a local event to prevent suicide, and the 13th annual Purple Passion 5K is set to take place on Saturday. Plus: a look into Question 5 on the Massachusetts ballot, which would raise the minimum wage for tipped workers.

Further articles

We spoke with local leaders to understand how national developments could impact life here in Framingham.

Esta semana no The Frame: Os membros do Conselho Municipal continuam a considerar uma redução na área do distrito comercial central do centro em meio a discussões sobre moradia em andamento, as escolas em Framingham estão prontas para se beneficiar de um programa de leitura em todo o estado e uma análise de como as políticas de imigração do nível federal podem impactar a vida local.

This week on The Frame: City Council members continue to consider a reduction to the downtown Central Business district’s area amid ongoing housing discussions, schools in Framingham are set to benefit from a statewide reading program, and a look into how immigration policies from the federal level could impact local life.