Lilja Cormack
Feb 28

WATCH: Danforth Museum Celebrates 50th Birthday

The Danforth Museum is turning 50 this year, and they’ve curated an exhibit to honor the occasion.

The Danforth Museum is turning 50 this year, and they’ve curated an exhibit to honor the occasion.

It features pieces from their vast permanent collection and highlights the evolution of the museum's collection practices.

We spoke with members of the curation team to understand how they narrowed down a 3,700 piece collection into one showcase. Additionally, we spoke with the museum's first ever art teacher–Nan Hass Feldman, and her husband Alan–to learn more about the trials and tribulations of becoming the institution it is today.

Further articles

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This week on The Frame: City Council members continue to consider a reduction to the downtown Central Business district’s area amid ongoing housing discussions, schools in Framingham are set to benefit from a statewide reading program, and a look into how immigration policies from the federal level could impact local life.

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