City is listed by Mass. Department of Public Health as a moderate risk for West Nile.
FRAMINGHAM - State officials have indicated that a positive West Nile virus sample was detected in mosquitoes within Framingham during a collection in late July.
Framingham has been listed to be at a moderate risk of the virus by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH), which has collected 11 positive mosquito samples within Middlesex County in 2024. That’s a part of 116 total samples across the state this year. As of the time of publication, one human case of West Nile has been detected in Massachusetts, as state health officials announced on Tuesday, August 6 that a man in Hampden County was exposed to the virus.
West Nile virus is primarily transmitted by bites from infected mosquitoes, especially during active mosquito season during the summer and autumn months. Symptoms of the virus include aches, fevers, rashes, and flu-like illness. People of all ages can contract the virus, though state health officials advise that people over the age of 50 are at a higher risk. Serious and potentially fatal conditions, while rare, are possible; the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) notes that about 1 out of every 150 people infected by West Nile virus develop serious illnesses.
Local, state, and federal health officials are reminding residents about what they can do to limit their risk of contracting West Nile virus amid mosquito season. People are advised to limit their time outdoors during peak mosquito-biting hours, which are between dusk and dawn. If one does have to go outside, they’re recommended to wear insect repellant and to cover exposed skin with pants, long sleeves, and high socks. Standing water around homes should be drained in order to prevent mosquito eggs from being laid, while screens for windows and doors should be installed or repaired.
For more information on West Nile virus, visit the DPH’s website by clicking here or the CDC’s website by clicking here.
Esta semana no The Frame: o estado concede a Framingham conformidade condicional com o Ato das Comunidades MBTA, uma proposta para um novo campo de golfe na área 9-90 é apresentada ao Conselho de Planejamento, e uma recapitulação da 38ª celebração anual do Dia de MLK pela Igreja Comunitária Greater Framingham. Além disso: a Ellie Mental Health corta a fita para sua nova clínica na Speen Street.
This week on The Frame: the state grants Framingham conditional compliance with the MBTA Communities Act, a proposal for a new golf course in the 9-90 area is outlined to the Planning Board, and a recap of the Greater Framingham Community Church’s 38th annual MLK Day celebration. Plus: Ellie Mental Health cuts the ribbon for their new Speen Street clinic.