Brendan Fitzpatrick
Feb 7

MetroWest Chamber Of Commerce Hosts Annual Legislative Reception

Members of the State Senate and House of Representatives reiterated efforts to boost local business.

NATICK - The MetroWest Chamber of Commerce’s annual legislative reception was held on Wednesday, February 5 at the Verve Hotel in Natick.

Members of Framingham’s state legislative delegation—from the State Senate and House of Representatives—were on hand to speak with local residents and business owners. One of the speakers during the event was State Senate President Karen Spilka, who touted legislation passed on Beacon Hill that supports local life sciences, brick-and-mortar stores, and tax relief for business owners.

Spilka, the State Senator for the 2nd Middlesex and Norfolk district, called the MetroWest region the “heart” of Massachusetts, especially in regards to commerce. She expressed confidence in the area’s economic future during the reception.

“When government and the business community work together,” Spilka said Wednesday, “the partnership that is shared, I believe really helps pave the way for success.”

Officials such as 6th Middlesex District State Representative Priscila Sousa mentioned that work continues at the State House to improve commerce across the MetroWest region, adding that she and her colleagues are looking to keep communication lines with local businesses open.

“Whether it’s economic development, educational incentives, apprentice opportunities, connection building tools, emphasis on representation, constituent services—which does take a tremendous amount of our time—and commitments to infrastructure, we are here with you,” Sousa continued.

“And if there’s nothing else, may the message be left here that we are your partners, we are here with you, and we are always available.”

Further articles

This week on The Frame: school officials begin to advertise bus driver and bus monitor positions as Framingham moves closer towards implementing an in-house school transportation system, local and state leaders celebrate the resources provided by the Mass211 hotline program, and the story of Eric Reynolds’ research into his family’s history: how residents can learn more about his journey into countless stories during Black History Month.

Officials gathered in Framingham to recognize the resources provided statewide through the 24-hour hotline service.

Positions within the Framingham school system have been posted as city officials move closer towards implementing an in-house transportation system.